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This is the core build system in nonGeNUine Boot. You could say that gbmk is nonGeNUine Boot! Download the Git repository:

git clone https://codeberg.org/vimuser/gbmk

The git command, seen above, will download the nonGeNUine Boot build system gbmk. You can then go into it like so:

cd gbmk

Make whatever changes you like, or simply build it. For instructions on how to build gbmk, refer to the build instructions.

Information about the build system itself, and how it works, is available in the gbmk maintenance guide.

gbwww and gbwww-img

The entire nonGeNUine Boot website and documentation is hosted in a Git repository. Download it like so:

git clone https://codeberg.org/vimuser/gbwww

Images are hosted on https://avgnu.vimuser.org/ and available in a separate repository:

git clone https://codeberg.org/vimuser/gbwww-img

Make whatever changes you like. See notes below about how to send patches.

The entire website is written in Markdown, specifically the Pandoc version. Static HTML pages are generated with the Untitled Static Site Generator.

If you like, you can set up a local HTTP server and build your own local version of the website. Please note that images will still link to the ones hosted on https://avgnu.vimuser.org/, so any images that you add to gbwww-img will not show up on your local gbwww site if you make the image links (for images that you add) link to avgnu.vimuser.org. However, it is required that such images be hosted on avgnu.vimuser.org.

Therefore, if you wish to add images to the website, please also submit to the gbwww-img repository, with the links to them being https://avgnu.vimuser.org/path/to/your/new/image/in/gbwww-img for each one. When it is merged on the nonGeNUine Boot website, your images will appear live.

For development purposes, you might make your images local links first, and then adjust the URLs when you submit your documentation/website patches.

Instructions are on the Untitled website, for how to set up your local version of the website. Download untitled, and inside your untitled directory, create a directory named www/ then go inside the www directory, and clone the gbwww repository there. Configure your local HTTP server accordingly.

Again, instructions are available on the Untitled website for this purpose.

Name not required

Contributions that you make are publicly recorded, in a Git repository which everyone can access. This includes the name and email address of the contributor.

In Git, for author name and email address, you do not have to use identifying data. You can use nongenuineboot Contributor and your email address could be specified as john@doe.com. You are permitted to do this, if you wish to maintain privacy. We believe in privacy. If you choose to remain anonymous, we will honour this.

Of course, you can use whichever name and/or email address you like.

Legally speaking, all copyright is automatic under the Berne Convention of international copyright law. It does not matter which name, or indeed whether you even declare a copyright (but we do require that certain copyright licenses are used - read more about that on this same page).

If you use a different name and email address on your commits/patches, then you should be fairly anonymous. Use git log and git show to confirm that before you push changes to a public Git repository.

Licenses (for contributors)

Make sure to freely license your work, under a free license.

Always declare a license on your work! Not declaring a license means that the default, restrictive copyright laws apply, which would make your work proprietary, subject to all of the same restrictions.

The Free Software Foundation maintains a handy dandy list, which you can review here:


As a GNU project, it is natural that you may use copyleft licenses for works submitted to nonGeNUine Boot.