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Please write a clear and concise description of the issue you are getting.

Machine Information

Please write down the specification of your machine.


Device: Lenovo ideapad 330S-14IKB 81F4
Operating System: Arch Linux rolling
CPU: Intel Core i7-7700K x86_64 (write down the CPU architechture too)
Kernel: 5.14.14-hardened1-1-hardened
Desktop Environment: N/A (Linux only; explicitly leave as N/A if you are using bare WM)
Window Manager: Sway 1.6.1-2 (Linux only)
Install Method: Arch User Repository (write down from where you installed the software)
Desktop Server Protocol: Wayland 1.19.0-2 (Linux only)

If you believe that some of these informations are irrelevant (such as DE and WM information on Windows/MacOS, you may leave them out). Additionally, add information missing from the above example should it be important for the bug.

Steps to Reproduce

Please write down the steps to reproduce the issue.

Expected Result

Please write down the result you were expecting.

Actual Result

Please write down the result that you found.


Please attach screenshots here if there are any.


Please write down logs you found here if there are any.

Additional Notes and Information

Please write down any additional notes and information you find useful. Leave blank if you don't have any.