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package com.github.hydos.ginger.engine.vulkan.misc;
import java.util.*;
import org.joml.*;
/** An utility class for dealing with alignments in Uniform Buffer Objects
* Vulkan expects the data in your structure to be aligned in memory in a specific way, for example:
* Scalars have to be aligned by N (= 4 bytes given 32 bit floats).
* A vec2 must be aligned by 2N (= 8 bytes)
* A vec3 or vec4 must be aligned by 4N (= 16 bytes)
* A nested structure must be aligned by the base alignment of its members rounded up to a multiple of 16.
* A mat4 matrix must have the same alignment as a vec4. */
public final class AlignmentUtils
private AlignmentUtils()
public static int sizeof(Object obj)
{ return obj == null ? 0 : SIZEOF_CACHE.getOrDefault(obj.getClass(), 0); }
public static int alignof(Object obj)
{ return obj == null ? 0 : SIZEOF_CACHE.getOrDefault(obj.getClass(), Integer.BYTES); }
public static int alignas(int offset, int alignment)
{ return offset % alignment == 0 ? offset : ((offset - 1) | (alignment - 1)) + 1; }
private static final Map<Class<?>, Integer> SIZEOF_CACHE = new HashMap<>();
SIZEOF_CACHE.put(Byte.class, Byte.BYTES);
SIZEOF_CACHE.put(Character.class, Character.BYTES);
SIZEOF_CACHE.put(Short.class, Short.BYTES);
SIZEOF_CACHE.put(Integer.class, Integer.BYTES);
SIZEOF_CACHE.put(Float.class, Float.BYTES);
SIZEOF_CACHE.put(Long.class, Long.BYTES);
SIZEOF_CACHE.put(Double.class, Double.BYTES);
SIZEOF_CACHE.put(Vector2f.class, 2 * Float.BYTES);
SIZEOF_CACHE.put(Vector3f.class, 3 * Float.BYTES);
SIZEOF_CACHE.put(Vector4f.class, 4 * Float.BYTES);
SIZEOF_CACHE.put(Matrix4f.class, SIZEOF_CACHE.get(Vector4f.class));