
261 lines
9.1 KiB

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.function.LongConsumer;
import org.joml.Vector3f;
import com.github.halotroop.litecraft.types.block.*;
import com.github.hydos.ginger.engine.common.elements.objects.Player;
import com.github.hydos.ginger.engine.common.obj.ModelLoader;
import com.github.hydos.ginger.engine.opengl.render.models.TexturedModel;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.*;
public class World implements BlockAccess, WorldGenConstants
Long2ObjectMap<Chunk> chunks;
private final WorldModifier[] worldModifiers;
private final ChunkGenerator chunkGenerator;
private final BlockAccess genBlockAccess;
private final LitecraftSave save;
private final long seed;
private final int dimension;
public Player player;
int renderBound;
int renderBoundVertical;
// dummy block instance for retrieving the default block model
private final BlockInstance dummy;
public World(long seed, int renderSize, Dimension<?> dim, LitecraftSave save)
new DynamicChunkLoader(0, 0, 0, this);
this.dummy = new BlockInstance(Blocks.ANDESITE, new Vector3f(0, 0, 0));
this.chunks = new Long2ObjectArrayMap<>();
this.seed = seed;
this.chunkGenerator = dim.createChunkGenerator(seed);
this.worldModifiers = dim.getWorldModifierArray();
// initialize world modifiers with seed
for (WorldModifier modifier : this.worldModifiers)
this.genBlockAccess = new GenerationWorld(this); = save;
this.dimension =;
this.renderBound = renderSize / 2;
this.renderBoundVertical = this.renderBound / 2;
if (this.renderBoundVertical < 2)
this.renderBoundVertical = 2;
public int findAir(int x, int z)
int y = SEA_LEVEL;
int attemptsRemaining = 255;
while (attemptsRemaining --> 0)
if (this.getBlock(x, ++y, z) == Blocks.AIR)
return y;
return -1; // if it fails, returns -1
public void spawnPlayer()
int y = this.findAir(0, 0);
if (y == -1)
y = 300; // yeet
this.spawnPlayer(0, y, -3);
public Player spawnPlayer(float x, float y, float z)
// Player model and stuff
TexturedModel dirtModel = ModelLoader.loadGenericCube("block/cubes/soil/dirt.png");
this.player = new Player(dirtModel, new Vector3f(x, y, z), 0, 180f, 0, new Vector3f(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f));
// Generate world around player
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Generating world!");
this.updateLoadedChunks(this.player.getChunkX(), this.player.getChunkY(), this.player.getChunkZ());
System.out.println("Generated world in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + " milliseconds");
// return player
return this.player;
public Chunk getChunk(int chunkX, int chunkY, int chunkZ)
Chunk chunk = this.chunks.computeIfAbsent(posHash(chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ), pos ->
Chunk readChunk = save.readChunk(this, chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ, this.dimension);
return readChunk == null ? this.chunkGenerator.generateChunk(this, chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ) : readChunk;
if (chunk.isFullyGenerated()) return chunk;
this.populateChunk(chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ, chunk.chunkStartX, chunk.chunkStartY, chunk.chunkStartZ);
return chunk;
public Chunk getChunkToLoad(int chunkX, int chunkY, int chunkZ)
long posHash = posHash(chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ);
// try get an already loaded chunk
Chunk result = this.chunks.get(posHash);
if (result != null)
return result;
// try read a chunk from memory
result = save.readChunk(this, chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ, this.dimension);
// if neither of those work, generate the chunk
result = result == null ? this.chunkGenerator.generateChunk(this, chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ) : result;
// add chunk to array
this.chunks.put(posHash, result);
return result;
/** @return whether the chunk was unloaded without errors. Will often, but not always, be equal to whether the chunk was already in memory. */
boolean unloadChunk(long posHash)
Chunk chunk = this.chunks.get(posHash);
// If the chunk is not in memory, it does not need to be unloaded
if (chunk == null) return false;
// Otherwise save the chunk
AtomicBoolean result = new AtomicBoolean(false);
CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> {
return result.get();
void populateChunk(Chunk chunk)
this.populateChunk(chunk.chunkX, chunk.chunkY, chunk.chunkZ, chunk.chunkStartX, chunk.chunkStartY, chunk.chunkStartZ);
private void populateChunk(int chunkX, int chunkY, int chunkZ, int chunkStartX, int chunkStartY, int chunkStartZ)
Random rand = new Random(this.seed + 5828671L * chunkX + -47245139L * chunkY + 8972357 * (long) chunkZ);
for (WorldModifier modifier : this.worldModifiers)
{ modifier.modifyWorld(this.genBlockAccess, rand, chunkStartX, chunkStartY, chunkStartZ); }
/** @return a chunk that has not neccesarily gone through chunk populating. Used in chunk populating to prevent infinite recursion. */
Chunk getGenChunk(int chunkX, int chunkY, int chunkZ)
{ return this.chunks.computeIfAbsent(posHash(chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ), pos -> this.chunkGenerator.generateChunk(this, chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ)); }
long posHash(int chunkX, int chunkY, int chunkZ)
{ return ((long) chunkX & 0x3FF) | (((long) chunkY & 0x3FF) << 10) | (((long) chunkZ & 0x3FF) << 20); }
public Block getBlock(int x, int y, int z)
{ return this.getChunk(x >> POS_SHIFT, y >> POS_SHIFT, z >> POS_SHIFT).getBlock(x & MAX_POS, y & MAX_POS, z & MAX_POS); }
public void setBlock(int x, int y, int z, Block block)
{ this.getChunk(x >> POS_SHIFT, y >> POS_SHIFT, z >> POS_SHIFT).setBlock(x & MAX_POS, y & MAX_POS, z & MAX_POS, block); }
public void optimiseChunks()
{ this.chunks.forEach((pos, chunk) -> optimiseChunk(chunk)); }
//used for model combining and culling
public Chunk optimiseChunk(Chunk chunk)
{ return chunk; }
public void render(BlockRenderer blockRenderer)
this.chunks.forEach((pos, c) -> c.render(blockRenderer));
public void unloadAllChunks()
LongList chunkPositions = new LongArrayList();
if (this.chunks != null)
this.chunks.forEach((pos, chunk) ->
{ // for every chunk in memory
chunkPositions.add((long) pos); // add pos to chunk positions list for removal later; // save chunk
chunkPositions.forEach((LongConsumer) (pos -> this.chunks.remove(pos))); // remove all chunks
public long getSeed()
{ return this.seed; }
public static final int SEA_LEVEL = 0;
public void updateLoadedChunks(int chunkX, int chunkY, int chunkZ)
//Ginger.getInstance().threading.registerChunkThreadToWaitlist(new DynamicChunkLoader(chunkX, chunkY, chunkZ, this));
Long2ObjectMap<Chunk> chunksList = this.chunks;
//FIXME completable futures
List<Chunk> toKeep = new ArrayList<>();
// loop over rendered area, adding chunks that are needed
for (int x = chunkX - this.renderBound; x < chunkX + this.renderBound; x++)
for (int z = chunkZ - this.renderBound; z < chunkZ + this.renderBound; z++)
for (int y = chunkY - this.renderBound; y < chunkY + this.renderBound; y++)
toKeep.add(this.getChunkToLoad(x, y, z));
LongList toRemove = new LongArrayList();
// check which loaded chunks are not neccesary
chunksList.forEach((pos, chunk) ->
if (!toKeep.contains(chunk))
toRemove.add((long) pos);
// unload unneccesary chunks from chunk array
toRemove.forEach((LongConsumer) this::unloadChunk);
toKeep.forEach(chunk -> {
if (!chunk.isFullyGenerated())
boolean alreadyRendering = chunk.doRender(); // if it's already rendering then it's most likely in the map
if (!alreadyRendering)
chunksList.put(this.posHash(chunk.chunkX, chunk.chunkY, chunk.chunkZ), chunk);
this.chunks = chunksList;
private static final class GenerationWorld implements BlockAccess, WorldGenConstants
GenerationWorld(World parent)
{ this.parent = parent; }
public final World parent;
public Block getBlock(int x, int y, int z)
{ return this.parent.getGenChunk(x >> POS_SHIFT, y >> POS_SHIFT, z >> POS_SHIFT).getBlock(x & MAX_POS, y & MAX_POS, z & MAX_POS); }
public void setBlock(int x, int y, int z, Block block)
{ this.parent.getGenChunk(x >> POS_SHIFT, y >> POS_SHIFT, z >> POS_SHIFT).setBlock(x & MAX_POS, y & MAX_POS, z & MAX_POS, block); }