
199 lines
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package com.github.hydos.ginger.engine.opengl.font;
import org.joml.*;
/** Represents a piece of text in the game. */
public class GUIText
private String textString;
private float fontSize;
private int textMeshVao;
private int vertexCount;
private Vector3f colour = new Vector3f(0f, 0f, 0f), outlineColour;
private float borderEdge = 0.1f, borderWidth = 0;
private Vector2f offset = new Vector2f(0, 0);
private Vector2f position;
private float lineMaxSize;
private int numberOfLines;
private FontType font;
private boolean centerText = false;
public String textID;
/** Creates a new text, loads the text's quads into a VAO, and adds the text
* to the screen.
* @param text
* - the text.
* @param fontSize
* - the font size of the text, where a font size of 1 is the
* default size.
* @param font
* - the font that this text should use.
* @param position
* - the position on the screen where the top left corner of the
* text should be rendered. The top left corner of the screen is
* (0, 0) and the bottom right is (1, 1).
* @param maxLineLength
* - basically the width of the virtual page in terms of screen
* width (1 is full screen width, 0.5 is half the width of the
* screen, etc.) Text cannot go off the edge of the page, so if
* the text is longer than this length it will go onto the next
* line. When text is centered it is centered into the middle of
* the line, based on this line length value.
* @param centered
* - whether the text should be centered or not. */
public GUIText(String text, float fontSize, FontType font, Vector2f position, float maxLineLength,
boolean centered)
this.textString = text;
this.fontSize = fontSize;
this.font = font;
this.position = position;
this.outlineColour = colour;
this.lineMaxSize = maxLineLength;
this.centerText = centered;
public float getBorderEdge()
{ return borderEdge; }
public float getBorderWidth()
{ return borderWidth; }
/** @return the colour of the text. */
public Vector3f getColour()
{ return colour; }
/** @return The font used by this text. */
public FontType getFont()
{ return font; }
/** @return the font size of the text (a font size of 1 is normal). */
protected float getFontSize()
{ return fontSize; }
/** @return The maximum length of a line of this text. */
protected float getMaxLineSize()
{ return lineMaxSize; }
/** @return the ID of the text's VAO, which contains all the vertex data for
* the quads on which the text will be rendered. */
public int getMesh()
{ return textMeshVao; }
/** @return The number of lines of text. This is determined when the text is
* loaded, based on the length of the text and the max line length
* that is set. */
public int getNumberOfLines()
{ return numberOfLines; }
public Vector2f getOffset()
{ return offset; }
public Vector3f getOutlineColour()
{ return outlineColour; }
/** @return The position of the top-left corner of the text in screen-space.
* (0, 0) is the top left corner of the screen, (1, 1) is the bottom
* right. */
public Vector2f getPosition()
{ return position; }
/** @return The string of text. */
protected String getTextString()
{ return textString; }
/** @return The total number of vertices of all the text's quads. */
public int getVertexCount()
{ return this.vertexCount; }
/** @return {@code true} if the text should be centered. */
protected boolean isCentered()
{ return centerText; }
/** Remove the text from the screen. */
public void remove()
{ TextMaster.removeText(this); }
public void setBorderEdge(float borderEdge)
{ this.borderEdge = borderEdge; }
public void setBorderWidth(float borderWidth)
{ this.borderWidth = borderWidth; }
public void setCenterText(boolean centerText)
{ this.centerText = centerText; }
/** Set the colour of the text.
* @param r
* - red value, between 0 and 1.
* @param g
* - green value, between 0 and 1.
* @param b
* - blue value, between 0 and 1. */
public void setColour(float r, float g, float b)
{ colour.set(r, g, b); }
public void setColour(Vector3f colour)
{ this.colour = colour; }
public void setFont(FontType font)
{ this.font = font; }
public void setFontSize(float fontSize)
{ this.fontSize = fontSize; }
public void setLineMaxSize(float lineMaxSize)
{ this.lineMaxSize = lineMaxSize; }
/** Set the VAO and vertex count for this text.
* @param vao
* - the VAO containing all the vertex data for the quads on
* which the text will be rendered.
* @param verticesCount
* - the total number of vertices in all of the quads. */
public void setMeshInfo(int vao, int verticesCount)
this.textMeshVao = vao;
this.vertexCount = verticesCount;
/** Sets the number of lines that this text covers (method used only in
* loading).
* @param number */
protected void setNumberOfLines(int number)
{ this.numberOfLines = number; }
public void setOffset(Vector2f offset)
{ this.offset = offset; }
public void setOutlineColour(Vector3f outlineColour)
{ this.outlineColour = outlineColour; }
public void setPosition(Vector2f position)
{ this.position = position; }
public void setText(String string)
if (string != this.textString)
this.textString = string;
public void setTextMeshVao(int textMeshVao)
{ this.textMeshVao = textMeshVao; }
public void setTextString(String textString)
{ this.textString = textString; }
public void setVertexCount(int vertexCount)
{ this.vertexCount = vertexCount; }