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package com.github.hydos.ginger.engine.opengl.shadow;
import java.lang.Math;
import org.joml.*;
import com.github.hydos.ginger.engine.common.cameras.Camera;
import com.github.hydos.ginger.engine.opengl.render.MasterRenderer;
/** Represents the 3D cuboidal area of the world in which objects will cast
* shadows (basically represents the orthographic projection area for the shadow
* render pass). It is updated each frame to optimise the area, making it as
* small as possible (to allow for optimal shadow map resolution) while not
* being too small to avoid objects not having shadows when they should.
* Everything inside the cuboidal area represented by this object will be
* rendered to the shadow map in the shadow render pass. Everything outside the
* area won't be. */
public class ShadowBox
private static final float OFFSET = 10;
private static final Vector4f UP = new Vector4f(0, 1, 0, 0);
private static final Vector4f FORWARD = new Vector4f(0, 0, -1, 0);
private static final float SHADOW_DISTANCE = 100;
private float minX, maxX;
private float minY, maxY;
private float minZ, maxZ;
private Matrix4f lightViewMatrix;
private Camera cam;
private float farHeight, farWidth, nearHeight, nearWidth;
/** Creates a new shadow box and calculates some initial values relating to
* the camera's view frustum, namely the width and height of the near plane
* and (possibly adjusted) far plane.
* @param lightViewMatrix
* - basically the "view matrix" of the light. Can be used to
* transform a point from world space into "light" space (i.e.
* changes a point's coordinates from being in relation to the
* world's axis to being in terms of the light's local axis).
* @param camera
* - the in-game camera. */
protected ShadowBox(Matrix4f lightViewMatrix, Camera camera)
this.lightViewMatrix = lightViewMatrix; = camera;
/** @return The rotation of the camera represented as a matrix. */
private Matrix4f calculateCameraRotationMatrix()
Matrix4f rotation = new Matrix4f();
rotation.rotate((float) Math.toRadians(-cam.getYaw()), new Vector3f(0, 1, 0));
rotation.rotate((float) Math.toRadians(-cam.getPitch()), new Vector3f(1, 0, 0));
return rotation;
/** Calculates the position of the vertex at each corner of the view frustum
* in light space (8 vertices in total, so this returns 8 positions).
* @param rotation
* - camera's rotation.
* @param forwardVector
* - the direction that the camera is aiming, and thus the
* direction of the frustum.
* @param centerNear
* - the center point of the frustum's near plane.
* @param centerFar
* - the center point of the frustum's (possibly adjusted) far
* plane.
* @return The positions of the vertices of the frustum in light space. */
private Vector4f[] calculateFrustumVertices(Matrix4f rotation, Vector3f forwardVector,
Vector3f centerNear, Vector3f centerFar)
Vector4f upVector4F = rotation.transform(UP);
Vector3f upVector = new Vector3f(upVector4F.x, upVector4F.y, upVector4F.z);
Vector3f rightVector = forwardVector.cross(upVector);
Vector3f downVector = new Vector3f(-upVector.x, -upVector.y, -upVector.z);
Vector3f leftVector = new Vector3f(-rightVector.x, -rightVector.y, -rightVector.z);
Vector3f farTop = centerFar.add(new Vector3f(upVector.x * farHeight, upVector.y * farHeight, upVector.z * farHeight));
Vector3f farBottom = centerFar.add(new Vector3f(downVector.x * farHeight, downVector.y * farHeight, downVector.z * farHeight));
Vector3f nearTop = centerNear.add(new Vector3f(upVector.x * nearHeight, upVector.y * nearHeight, upVector.z * nearHeight));
Vector3f nearBottom = centerNear.add(new Vector3f(downVector.x * nearHeight, downVector.y * nearHeight, downVector.z * nearHeight));
Vector4f[] points = new Vector4f[8];
points[0] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(farTop, rightVector, farWidth);
points[1] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(farTop, leftVector, farWidth);
points[2] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(farBottom, rightVector, farWidth);
points[3] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(farBottom, leftVector, farWidth);
points[4] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(nearTop, rightVector, nearWidth);
points[5] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(nearTop, leftVector, nearWidth);
points[6] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(nearBottom, rightVector, nearWidth);
points[7] = calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(nearBottom, leftVector, nearWidth);
return points;
/** Calculates one of the corner vertices of the view frustum in world space
* and converts it to light space.
* @param startPoint
* - the starting center point on the view frustum.
* @param direction
* - the direction of the corner from the start point.
* @param width
* - the distance of the corner from the start point.
* @return - The relevant corner vertex of the view frustum in light space. */
private Vector4f calculateLightSpaceFrustumCorner(Vector3f startPoint, Vector3f direction,
float width)
Vector3f point = startPoint.add(new Vector3f(direction.x * width, direction.y * width, direction.z * width));
Vector4f point4f = new Vector4f(point.x, point.y, point.z, 1f);
return point4f;
/** Calculates the width and height of the near and far planes of the
* camera's view frustum. However, this doesn't have to use the "actual" far
* plane of the view frustum. It can use a shortened view frustum if desired
* by bringing the far-plane closer, which would increase shadow resolution
* but means that distant objects wouldn't cast shadows. */
private void calculateWidthsAndHeights()
farWidth = (float) (SHADOW_DISTANCE * Math.tan(Math.toRadians(MasterRenderer.FOV)));
nearWidth = (float) (MasterRenderer.NEAR_PLANE
* Math.tan(Math.toRadians(MasterRenderer.FOV)));
farHeight = farWidth / getAspectRatio();
nearHeight = nearWidth / getAspectRatio();
/** @return The aspect ratio of the display (width:height ratio). */
private float getAspectRatio()
{ return (float) Window.getWidth() / (float) Window.getHeight(); }
/** Calculates the center of the "view cuboid" in light space first, and then
* converts this to world space using the inverse light's view matrix.
* @return The center of the "view cuboid" in world space. */
protected Vector3f getCenter()
float x = (minX + maxX) / 2f;
float y = (minY + maxY) / 2f;
float z = (minZ + maxZ) / 2f;
Vector4f cen = new Vector4f(x, y, z, 1);
Matrix4f invertedLight = new Matrix4f();
Vector4f processedCenter = invertedLight.transform(cen);
return new Vector3f(processedCenter.x, processedCenter.y, processedCenter.z);
/** @return The height of the "view cuboid" (orthographic projection area). */
protected float getHeight()
{ return maxY - minY; }
/** @return The length of the "view cuboid" (orthographic projection area). */
protected float getLength()
{ return maxZ - minZ; }
/** @return The width of the "view cuboid" (orthographic projection area). */
protected float getWidth()
{ return maxX - minX; }
/** Updates the bounds of the shadow box based on the light direction and the
* camera's view frustum, to make sure that the box covers the smallest area
* possible while still ensuring that everything inside the camera's view
* (within a certain range) will cast shadows. */
protected void update()
Matrix4f rotation = calculateCameraRotationMatrix();
Vector4f forwardVector4F = rotation.transform(FORWARD);
Vector3f forwardVector = new Vector3f(forwardVector4F.x, forwardVector4F.y, forwardVector4F.z);
Vector3f toFar = new Vector3f(forwardVector);
Vector3f toNear = new Vector3f(forwardVector);
Vector3f centerNear = toNear.add(cam.getPosition());
Vector3f centerFar = toFar.add(cam.getPosition());
Vector4f[] points = calculateFrustumVertices(rotation, forwardVector, centerNear,
boolean first = true;
for (Vector4f point : points)
if (first)
minX = point.x;
maxX = point.x;
minY = point.y;
maxY = point.y;
minZ = point.z;
maxZ = point.z;
first = false;
if (point.x > maxX)
maxX = point.x;
else if (point.x < minX)
{ minX = point.x; }
if (point.y > maxY)
maxY = point.y;
else if (point.y < minY)
{ minY = point.y; }
if (point.z > maxZ)
maxZ = point.z;
else if (point.z < minZ)
{ minZ = point.z; }
maxZ += OFFSET;