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package com.github.hydos.ginger.engine.opengl.shadow;
import java.lang.Math;
import java.util.*;
import org.joml.*;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import com.github.hydos.ginger.engine.common.cameras.Camera;
import com.github.hydos.ginger.engine.common.elements.objects.*;
import com.github.hydos.ginger.engine.opengl.render.models.GLTexturedModel;
/** This class is in charge of using all of the classes in the shadows package to
* carry out the shadow render pass, i.e. rendering the scene to the shadow map
* texture. This is the only class in the shadows package which needs to be
* referenced from outside the shadows package. */
public class ShadowMapMasterRenderer
private static final int SHADOW_MAP_SIZE = 5120 * 2;
/** Create the offset for part of the conversion to shadow map space. This
* conversion is necessary to convert from one coordinate system to the
* coordinate system that we can use to sample to shadow map.
* @return The offset as a matrix (so that it's easy to apply to other matrices). */
private static Matrix4f createOffset()
Matrix4f offset = new Matrix4f();
offset.translate(new Vector3f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
offset.scale(new Vector3f(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
return offset;
private ShadowFrameBuffer shadowFbo;
private ShadowShader shader;
private ShadowBox shadowBox;
private Matrix4f projectionMatrix = new Matrix4f();
private Matrix4f lightViewMatrix = new Matrix4f();
private Matrix4f projectionViewMatrix = new Matrix4f();
private Matrix4f offset = createOffset();
private ShadowMapEntityRenderer entityRenderer;
/** Creates instances of the important objects needed for rendering the scene
* to the shadow map. This includes the {@link ShadowBox} which calculates
* the position and size of the "view cuboid", the simple renderer and
* shader program that are used to render objects to the shadow map, and the
* {@link ShadowFrameBuffer} to which the scene is rendered. The size of the
* shadow map is determined here.
* @param camera
* - the camera being used in the scene. */
public ShadowMapMasterRenderer(Camera camera)
shader = new ShadowShader();
shadowBox = new ShadowBox(lightViewMatrix, camera);
shadowFbo = new ShadowFrameBuffer(SHADOW_MAP_SIZE, SHADOW_MAP_SIZE);
entityRenderer = new ShadowMapEntityRenderer(shader, projectionViewMatrix);
/** Clean up the shader and FBO on closing. */
public void cleanUp()
/** Finish the shadow render pass. Stops the shader and unbinds the shadow
* FBO, so everything rendered after this point is rendered to the screen,
* rather than to the shadow FBO. */
private void finish()
/** @return The light's "view" matrix. */
protected Matrix4f getLightSpaceTransform()
{ return lightViewMatrix; }
/** @return The ID of the shadow map texture. The ID will always stay the
* same, even when the contents of the shadow map texture change
* each frame. */
public int getShadowMap()
{ return shadowFbo.getShadowMap(); }
/** This biased projection-view matrix is used to convert fragments into
* "shadow map space" when rendering the main render pass. It converts a
* world space position into a 2D coordinate on the shadow map. This is
* needed for the second part of shadow mapping.
* @return The to-shadow-map-space matrix. */
public Matrix4f getToShadowMapSpaceMatrix()
{ return projectionViewMatrix.mul(offset); }
/** Prepare for the shadow render pass. This first updates the dimensions of
* the orthographic "view cuboid" based on the information that was
* calculated in the {@link SHadowBox} class. The light's "view" matrix is
* also calculated based on the light's direction and the center position of
* the "view cuboid" which was also calculated in the {@link ShadowBox}
* class. These two matrices are multiplied together to create the
* projection-view matrix. This matrix determines the size, position, and
* orientation of the "view cuboid" in the world. This method also binds the
* shadows FBO so that everything rendered after this gets rendered to the
* FBO. It also enables depth testing, and clears any data that is in the
* FBOs depth attachment from last frame. The simple shader program is also
* started.
* @param lightDirection
* - the direction of the light rays coming from the sun.
* @param box
* - the shadow box, which contains all the info about the
* "view cuboid". */
private void prepare(Vector3f lightDirection, ShadowBox box)
updateOrthoProjectionMatrix(box.getWidth(), box.getHeight(), box.getLength());
updateLightViewMatrix(lightDirection, box.getCenter());
projectionViewMatrix.mul(projectionMatrix, lightViewMatrix);
/** Carries out the shadow render pass. This renders the entities to the
* shadow map. First the shadow box is updated to calculate the size and
* position of the "view cuboid". The light direction is assumed to be
* "-lightPosition" which will be fairly accurate assuming that the light is
* very far from the scene. It then prepares to render, renders the entities
* to the shadow map, and finishes rendering.
* @param entities
* - the lists of entities to be rendered. Each list is
* associated with the {@link GLTexturedModel} that all of the
* entities in that list use.
* @param sun
* - the light acting as the sun in the scene. */
public void render(Map<GLTexturedModel, List<GLRenderObject>> entities, Light sun)
Vector3f sunPosition = sun.getPosition();
Vector3f lightDirection = new Vector3f(-sunPosition.x, -sunPosition.y, -sunPosition.z);
prepare(lightDirection, shadowBox);
/** Updates the "view" matrix of the light. This creates a view matrix which
* will line up the direction of the "view cuboid" with the direction of the
* light. The light itself has no position, so the "view" matrix is centered
* at the center of the "view cuboid". The created view matrix determines
* where and how the "view cuboid" is positioned in the world. The size of
* the view cuboid, however, is determined by the projection matrix.
* @param direction
* - the light direction, and therefore the direction that the
* "view cuboid" should be pointing.
* @param center
* - the center of the "view cuboid" in world space. */
private void updateLightViewMatrix(Vector3f direction, Vector3f center)
float pitch = (float) Math.acos(new Vector2f(direction.x, direction.z).length());
lightViewMatrix.rotate(pitch, new Vector3f(1, 0, 0), lightViewMatrix);
float yaw = (float) Math.toDegrees(((float) Math.atan(direction.x / direction.z)));
yaw = direction.z > 0 ? yaw - 180 : yaw;
lightViewMatrix.rotate((float) -Math.toRadians(yaw), new Vector3f(0, 1, 0), lightViewMatrix);
lightViewMatrix.translate(center, lightViewMatrix);
/** Creates the orthographic projection matrix. This projection matrix
* basically sets the width, length and height of the "view cuboid", based
* on the values that were calculated in the {@link ShadowBox} class.
* @param width
* - shadow box width.
* @param height
* - shadow box height.
* @param length
* - shadow box length. */
private void updateOrthoProjectionMatrix(float width, float height, float length)
projectionMatrix._m00(2f / width);
projectionMatrix._m11(2f / height);
projectionMatrix._m22(-2f / length);