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<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-weight:bold;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 263 322)">Weight/Scale Variations</text>
<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;text-anchor:middle;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 559.711 322)">Ultralight</text>
<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;text-anchor:middle;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 856.422 322)">Thin</text>
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<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;text-anchor:middle;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1746.56 322)">Medium</text>
<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;text-anchor:middle;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 2043.27 322)">Semibold</text>
<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;text-anchor:middle;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 2339.98 322)">Bold</text>
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<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;text-anchor:middle;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 2933.4 322)">Black</text>
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<g id="" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 263 1933)">
<path d="M 9.24805 0.830078 C 13.5547 0.830078 17.1387 -2.74414 17.1387 -7.05078 C 17.1387 -11.3574 13.5449 -14.9316 9.23828 -14.9316 C 4.94141 -14.9316 1.36719 -11.3574 1.36719 -7.05078 C 1.36719 -2.74414 4.95117 0.830078 9.24805 0.830078 Z M 9.24805 -0.654297 C 5.70312 -0.654297 2.87109 -3.49609 2.87109 -7.05078 C 2.87109 -10.6055 5.69336 -13.4473 9.23828 -13.4473 C 12.793 -13.4473 15.6348 -10.6055 15.6445 -7.05078 C 15.6543 -3.49609 12.8027 -0.654297 9.24805 -0.654297 Z M 9.22852 -3.62305 C 9.69727 -3.62305 9.9707 -3.93555 9.9707 -4.45312 L 9.9707 -6.31836 L 12.002 -6.31836 C 12.5 -6.31836 12.832 -6.57227 12.832 -7.04102 C 12.832 -7.51953 12.5195 -7.7832 12.002 -7.7832 L 9.9707 -7.7832 L 9.9707 -9.81445 C 9.9707 -10.332 9.69727 -10.6543 9.22852 -10.6543 C 8.75977 -10.6543 8.50586 -10.3125 8.50586 -9.81445 L 8.50586 -7.7832 L 6.49414 -7.7832 C 5.97656 -7.7832 5.64453 -7.51953 5.64453 -7.04102 C 5.64453 -6.57227 5.99609 -6.31836 6.49414 -6.31836 L 8.50586 -6.31836 L 8.50586 -4.45312 C 8.50586 -3.95508 8.75977 -3.62305 9.22852 -3.62305 Z"/>
<g id="" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 281.506 1933)">
<path d="M 11.709 2.91016 C 17.1582 2.91016 21.6699 -1.61133 21.6699 -7.05078 C 21.6699 -12.5 17.1484 -17.0117 11.6992 -17.0117 C 6.25977 -17.0117 1.74805 -12.5 1.74805 -7.05078 C 1.74805 -1.61133 6.26953 2.91016 11.709 2.91016 Z M 11.709 1.25 C 7.09961 1.25 3.41797 -2.44141 3.41797 -7.05078 C 3.41797 -11.6602 7.08984 -15.3516 11.6992 -15.3516 C 16.3086 -15.3516 20 -11.6602 20.0098 -7.05078 C 20.0195 -2.44141 16.3184 1.25 11.709 1.25 Z M 11.6797 -2.66602 C 12.207 -2.66602 12.5098 -3.01758 12.5098 -3.59375 L 12.5098 -6.23047 L 15.3223 -6.23047 C 15.8691 -6.23047 16.25 -6.51367 16.25 -7.03125 C 16.25 -7.55859 15.8887 -7.86133 15.3223 -7.86133 L 12.5098 -7.86133 L 12.5098 -10.6836 C 12.5098 -11.25 12.207 -11.6113 11.6797 -11.6113 C 11.1621 -11.6113 10.8789 -11.2305 10.8789 -10.6836 L 10.8789 -7.86133 L 8.07617 -7.86133 C 7.50977 -7.86133 7.13867 -7.55859 7.13867 -7.03125 C 7.13867 -6.51367 7.5293 -6.23047 8.07617 -6.23047 L 10.8789 -6.23047 L 10.8789 -3.59375 C 10.8789 -3.03711 11.1621 -2.66602 11.6797 -2.66602 Z"/>
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<path d="M 14.9707 5.66406 C 21.9336 5.66406 27.6953 -0.0976562 27.6953 -7.05078 C 27.6953 -14.0137 21.9238 -19.7754 14.9609 -19.7754 C 8.00781 -19.7754 2.25586 -14.0137 2.25586 -7.05078 C 2.25586 -0.0976562 8.01758 5.66406 14.9707 5.66406 Z M 14.9707 3.84766 C 8.93555 3.84766 4.08203 -1.01562 4.08203 -7.05078 C 4.08203 -13.0957 8.92578 -17.9492 14.9609 -17.9492 C 21.0059 -17.9492 25.8594 -13.0957 25.8691 -7.05078 C 25.8789 -1.01562 21.0156 3.84766 14.9707 3.84766 Z M 14.9414 -1.38672 C 15.5176 -1.38672 15.8594 -1.77734 15.8594 -2.38281 L 15.8594 -6.13281 L 19.7754 -6.13281 C 20.3711 -6.13281 20.7812 -6.46484 20.7812 -7.02148 C 20.7812 -7.59766 20.3906 -7.93945 19.7754 -7.93945 L 15.8594 -7.93945 L 15.8594 -11.8652 C 15.8594 -12.4805 15.5176 -12.8711 14.9414 -12.8711 C 14.375 -12.8711 14.0527 -12.4609 14.0527 -11.8652 L 14.0527 -7.93945 L 10.1465 -7.93945 C 9.53125 -7.93945 9.13086 -7.59766 9.13086 -7.02148 C 9.13086 -6.46484 9.55078 -6.13281 10.1465 -6.13281 L 14.0527 -6.13281 L 14.0527 -2.38281 C 14.0527 -1.79688 14.375 -1.38672 14.9414 -1.38672 Z"/>
<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-weight:bold;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 263 1953)">Design Variations</text>
<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 263 1971)">Symbols are supported in up to nine weights and three scales.</text>
<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 263 1989)">For optimal layout with text and other symbols, vertically align</text>
<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 263 2007)">symbols with the adjacent text.</text>
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<g id="" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 776 1933)">
<path d="M 3.31055 0.126953 C 3.82812 0.126953 4.08203 -0.0683594 4.26758 -0.605469 L 5.52734 -4.0625 L 11.2891 -4.0625 L 12.5488 -0.605469 C 12.7344 -0.0683594 12.9883 0.126953 13.4961 0.126953 C 14.0137 0.126953 14.3457 -0.185547 14.3457 -0.673828 C 14.3457 -0.839844 14.3164 -0.986328 14.2383 -1.20117 L 9.6582 -13.3887 C 9.43359 -13.9941 9.0332 -14.2871 8.4082 -14.2871 C 7.80273 -14.2871 7.39258 -13.9941 7.17773 -13.3984 L 2.59766 -1.19141 C 2.51953 -0.976562 2.49023 -0.830078 2.49023 -0.664062 C 2.49023 -0.175781 2.80273 0.126953 3.31055 0.126953 Z M 6.00586 -5.53711 L 8.37891 -12.1094 L 8.42773 -12.1094 L 10.8008 -5.53711 Z"/>
<line id="" style="fill:none;stroke:#00AEEF;stroke-width:0.5;opacity:1.0;" x1="792.836" x2="792.836" y1="1919" y2="1933"/>
<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-weight:bold;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 776 1953)">Margins</text>
<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 776 1971)">Leading and trailing margins on the left and right side of each symbol</text>
<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 776 1989)">can be adjusted by modifying the x-location of the margin guidelines.</text>
<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 776 2007)">Modifications are automatically applied proportionally to all</text>
<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 776 2025)">scales and weights.</text>
<g id="" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1289 1933)">
<path d="M 2.8418 1.86523 L 4.54102 3.57422 C 5.40039 4.44336 6.38672 4.38477 7.31445 3.35938 L 17.4902 -7.85156 C 17.7539 -7.76367 18.0273 -7.7832 18.3398 -7.8418 L 19.4043 -8.03711 L 20.0684 -7.36328 L 20.0293 -6.80664 C 19.9902 -6.30859 20.1172 -5.92773 20.6055 -5.44922 L 21.3672 -4.70703 C 21.8457 -4.22852 22.4609 -4.19922 22.9297 -4.66797 L 25.8398 -7.58789 C 26.3086 -8.05664 26.2891 -8.65234 25.8105 -9.13086 L 25.0391 -9.89258 C 24.5605 -10.3711 24.1895 -10.5273 23.7109 -10.4883 L 23.1348 -10.4395 L 22.4902 -11.0742 L 22.7344 -12.1973 C 22.8613 -12.7637 22.7051 -13.2031 22.1191 -13.7891 L 19.9219 -15.9766 C 16.582 -19.2969 12.1484 -19.2188 9.25781 -16.3281 C 8.83789 -15.918 8.80859 -15.3418 9.04297 -14.9512 C 9.27734 -14.5898 9.73633 -14.3555 10.3809 -14.5215 C 11.8457 -14.8633 13.3691 -14.9219 14.7949 -13.9844 L 14.209 -12.5293 C 14.0137 -12.0508 13.9844 -11.6504 14.1113 -11.2891 L 3.04688 -0.898438 C 2.06055 0.0195312 1.98242 0.996094 2.8418 1.86523 Z M 10.752 -15.957 C 13.1836 -17.7344 16.4746 -17.4316 18.7012 -15.2051 L 21.1328 -12.793 C 21.3672 -12.5586 21.4062 -12.373 21.3379 -12.0312 L 21.0156 -10.5469 L 22.5195 -9.0625 L 23.5059 -9.12109 C 23.7598 -9.13086 23.8379 -9.11133 24.0332 -8.91602 L 24.6094 -8.33984 L 22.168 -5.89844 L 21.5918 -6.47461 C 21.3965 -6.66992 21.3672 -6.74805 21.377 -7.01172 L 21.4453 -7.98828 L 19.9512 -9.47266 L 18.4277 -9.21875 C 18.1055 -9.15039 17.959 -9.17969 17.7148 -9.41406 L 15.7129 -11.416 C 15.459 -11.6504 15.4297 -11.8164 15.5859 -12.1875 L 16.4648 -14.2773 C 14.9023 -15.7324 12.8711 -16.3574 10.8398 -15.7617 C 10.6836 -15.7227 10.625 -15.8496 10.752 -15.957 Z M 5.27344 2.30469 L 4.10156 1.14258 C 3.63281 0.683594 3.74023 0.341797 4.14062 -0.0195312 L 14.9512 -10.1953 L 16.416 -8.71094 L 6.42578 2.27539 C 6.07422 2.67578 5.74219 2.77344 5.27344 2.30469 Z"/>
<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-weight:bold;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1289 1953)">Exporting</text>
<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1289 1971)">Symbols should be outlined when exporting to ensure the</text>
<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1289 1989)">design is preserved when submitting to Xcode.</text>
<text id="template-version" style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;text-anchor:end;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 3036 1933)">Template v.2.0</text>
<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;text-anchor:end;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 3036 1951)">Requires Xcode 12 or greater</text>
<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;text-anchor:end;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 3036 1969)">Generated from arrow.right</text>
<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;text-anchor:end;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 3036 1987)">Typeset at 100 points</text>
<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 263 726)">Small</text>
<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 263 1156)">Medium</text>
<text style="stroke:none;fill:black;font-family:-apple-system,&quot;SF Pro Display&quot;,&quot;SF Pro Text&quot;,Helvetica,sans-serif;" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 263 1586)">Large</text>
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<path d="M 0.976562 0 L 3.66211 0 L 12.9883 -24.4629 L 45.7031 -24.4629 L 55.0781 0 L 57.7148 0 L 30.6152 -70.459 L 28.125 -70.459 Z M 29.2969 -67.1387 L 29.3945 -67.1387 L 44.873 -26.709 L 13.8672 -26.709 Z"/>
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<line id="Baseline-M" style="fill:none;stroke:#27AAE1;opacity:1;stroke-width:0.5;" x1="263" x2="3036" y1="1126" y2="1126"/>
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<g id="Symbols">
<g id="Black-L" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 2854.32 1556)">
<path d="M 142.09 -35.5469 C 142.09 -38.623 140.723 -41.9434 138.672 -43.9453 L 98.1934 -84.375 C 95.8496 -86.7188 93.0176 -87.9395 90.332 -87.9395 C 83.5449 -87.9395 79.0527 -83.3008 79.0527 -77.1484 C 79.0527 -73.6328 80.6152 -71.0449 82.7637 -68.9941 L 96.0938 -55.7129 L 106.299 -46.2891 L 93.2617 -46.9727 L 28.0762 -46.9727 C 20.8496 -46.9727 16.0645 -42.4316 16.0645 -35.5469 C 16.0645 -28.7109 20.8496 -24.1211 28.0762 -24.1211 L 93.2617 -24.1211 L 106.299 -24.8047 L 96.0938 -15.4297 L 82.7637 -2.19727 C 80.6152 -0.0976562 79.0527 2.44141 79.0527 6.00586 C 79.0527 12.1094 83.5449 16.748 90.332 16.748 C 93.0176 16.748 95.8496 15.5273 98.1934 13.2324 L 138.672 -27.1484 C 140.723 -29.1992 142.09 -32.4707 142.09 -35.5469 Z"/>
<g id="Heavy-L" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 2558.69 1556)">
<path d="M 139.941 -35.498 C 139.941 -38.1348 138.818 -40.9668 136.963 -42.7246 L 96.1426 -83.5449 C 94.043 -85.6445 91.6016 -86.6699 89.2578 -86.6699 C 83.4473 -86.6699 79.541 -82.666 79.541 -77.3438 C 79.541 -74.3652 80.8594 -72.0703 82.666 -70.3125 L 96.875 -56.0547 L 109.277 -44.6289 L 95.8496 -45.3613 L 26.3184 -45.3613 C 20.166 -45.3613 16.0645 -41.4062 16.0645 -35.498 C 16.0645 -29.5898 20.166 -25.6348 26.3184 -25.6348 L 95.8496 -25.6348 L 109.326 -26.3672 L 96.875 -14.9414 L 82.666 -0.732422 C 80.8594 1.07422 79.541 3.32031 79.541 6.29883 C 79.541 11.6211 83.4473 15.625 89.2578 15.625 C 91.6016 15.625 94.043 14.5996 96.0938 12.5977 L 136.963 -28.2227 C 138.818 -30.0293 139.941 -32.8125 139.941 -35.498 Z"/>
<g id="Bold-L" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 2263.17 1556)">
<path d="M 137.549 -35.4004 C 137.549 -37.5977 136.621 -39.8438 135.059 -41.4062 L 93.8477 -82.6172 C 92.041 -84.375 90.0391 -85.2539 88.0371 -85.2539 C 83.3496 -85.2539 80.0781 -81.9336 80.0781 -77.5391 C 80.0781 -75.1465 81.1035 -73.2422 82.5684 -71.7773 L 97.8027 -56.4453 L 112.695 -42.7734 L 98.7305 -43.5059 L 24.4141 -43.5059 C 19.4336 -43.5059 16.0645 -40.2344 16.0645 -35.4004 C 16.0645 -30.6152 19.4336 -27.3438 24.4141 -27.3438 L 98.7305 -27.3438 L 112.695 -28.0762 L 97.8027 -14.3555 L 82.5684 0.927734 C 81.1035 2.39258 80.0781 4.29688 80.0781 6.68945 C 80.0781 11.084 83.3496 14.4043 88.0371 14.4043 C 90.0391 14.4043 91.9922 13.5254 93.7012 11.8652 L 135.059 -29.4434 C 136.621 -30.957 137.549 -33.2031 137.549 -35.4004 Z"/>
<g id="Semibold-L" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1967.27 1556)">
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