
265 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env sh
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Caleb La Grange <>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Ferass El Hafidi <>
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Leah Rowe <>
. "include/"
. "include/"
. "include/"
export PATH="${PATH}:/sbin"
_ua="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0"
eval "$(setvars "" _b _dl EC_url EC_url_bkup EC_hash DL_hash DL_url DL_url_bkup \
E6400_VGA_DL_hash E6400_VGA_DL_url E6400_VGA_DL_url_bkup E6400_VGA_offset \
E6400_VGA_romname SCH5545EC_DL_url SCH5545EC_DL_url_bkup SCH5545EC_DL_hash \
[ $# -gt 0 ] || err "No argument given"
_b="${board%%_*mb}" # shorthand (avoid duplicating config per rom size)
check_defconfig "${boarddir}" || exit 0
detect_firmware && exit 0
scan_config "${_b}" "config/vendor" "err"
set -- "${boarddir}/config/"*
. "${1}" 2>/dev/null
eval "[ -z \"\${${c}}\" ] || return 1"
printf "Vendor files not needed for: %s\n" "${board}" 1>&2
[ -d "${cbdir}" ] || \
x_ ./update trees -f coreboot ${cbdir##*/}
for d in uefitool biosutilities bios_extract; do
[ -d "src/${d}" ] && continue
x_ ./update trees -f "${d}"
[ -f "${uefiextract}" ] || \
x_ ./update trees -b uefitool
[ -f "${kbc1126_ec_dump}" ] || \
x_ make -C "${cbdir}/util/kbc1126"
[ -f "${cbfstool}" ] && [ -f "${ifdtool}" ] && return 0
x_ ./update trees -b coreboot utils default
[ -z "${CONFIG_HAVE_ME_BIN}" ] || \
fetch "intel_me" "${DL_url}" "${DL_url_bkup}" "${DL_hash}" \
[ -z "${CONFIG_INCLUDE_SMSC_SCH5545_EC_FW}" ] || \
fetch "sch5545ec" "${SCH5545EC_DL_url}" \
"${SCH5545EC_DL_url_bkup}" "${SCH5545EC_DL_hash}" \
[ -z "${CONFIG_KBC1126_FIRMWARE}" ] || \
fetch "kbc1126ec" "${EC_url}" "${EC_url_bkup}" "${EC_hash}" \
[ -z "${CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_FILE}" ] || \
fetch "e6400vga" "${E6400_VGA_DL_url}" \
"${E6400_VGA_DL_url_bkup}" "${E6400_VGA_DL_hash}" \
[ -z "${CONFIG_HAVE_MRC}" ] && return 0
fetch "mrc" "$MRC_url" "$MRC_url_bkup" "$MRC_hash" "$CONFIG_MRC_FILE"
[ "${5# }" = "${5}" ] || err "fetch: space not allowed in _dest: '${5}'"
[ "${5#/}" = "${5}" ] || err "fetch: absolute path not allowed: '${5}'"
x_ mkdir -p "${_dl%/*}"
if [ "${dl}" = "rom" ] || [ "${dl_bkup}" = "rom" ]; then
vendor_checksum "${dlsum}" "${_dl}" && dl_fail="n"
for url in "${dl}" "${dl_bkup}"; do
[ "${dl_fail}" = "n" ] && break
[ -z "${url}" ] && continue
x_ rm -f "${_dl}"
curl --location --retry 3 -A "${_ua}" "${url}" -o "${_dl}" || \
wget --tries 3 -U "${_ua}" "${url}" -O "${_dl}" || \
vendor_checksum "${dlsum}" "${_dl}" && dl_fail="n"
[ "${dl_fail}" = "y" ] && \
err "fetch ${dlsum}: matched file unavailable"
x_ rm -Rf "${_dl}_extracted"
mkdirs "${_dest}" "extract_${dl_type}" || return 0
eval "extract_${dl_type}"
[ -f "${_dest}" ] && return 0
err "extract_${dl_type} (fetch): missing file: '${_dest}'"
[ "$(sha512sum "${2}" | awk '{print $1}')" != "${1}" ] || return 0
printf "Bad checksum for file: %s\n" "${2}" 1>&2
rm -f "${2}" || :
return 1
if [ -f "${1}" ]; then
printf "mkdirs %s %s: already downloaded\n" "${1}" "${2}" 1>&2
return 1
mkdir -p "${1%/*}" || err "mkdirs: !mkdir -p ${1%/*}"
x_ rm -Rf "${appdir}"
x_ mkdir -p "${appdir}/"
if [ "${is_rom}" = "y" ]; then
cp "${_dl}" "${appdir}" || \
err "mkdirs copyrom ${_dl}: can't copy to appdir"
extract_archive "${_dl}" "${appdir}" || \
[ "${2}" = "extract_e6400vga" ] || \
err "mkdirs ${1} ${2}: !extract"
_me="${PWD}/${_dest}" # must always be an absolute path
cdir="${PWD}/${appdir}" # must always be an absolute path
[ $# -gt 0 ] && _me="${1}"
[ $# -gt 0 ] && cdir="${2}"
[ -f "${_me}" ] && return 0
sdir="$(mktemp -d)"
mkdir -p "${sdir}" || err "extract_intel_me: !mkdir -p \"${sdir}\""
[ "${cdir#/a}" != "${cdir}" ] && cdir="${cdir#/}"
cd "${cdir}" || err "extract_intel_me: !cd \"${cdir}\""
for i in *; do
[ -f "${_me}" ] && break
[ -L "${i}" ] && continue
if [ -f "${i}" ]; then
"${mecleaner}" -r -t -O "${sdir}/vendorfile" \
-M "${_me}" "${i}" && break
"${mecleaner}" -r -t -O "${_me}" "${i}" && break
"${me7updateparser}" -O "${_me}" "${i}" && break
extract_archive "${i}" "${_7ztest}" || continue
extract_intel_me "${_me}" "${cdir}/${_7ztest}"
elif [ -d "$i" ]; then
extract_intel_me "${_me}" "${cdir}/${i}"
[ "${cdir#/a}" != "${cdir}" ] && cdir="${cdir#/}"
cd "${cdir}" || :
rm -Rf "${sdir}" || err "extract_intel_me: !rm -Rf ${sdir}"
innoextract "${1}" -d "${2}" || python "${pfs_extract}" "${1}" -e || \
7z x "${1}" -o"${2}" || unar "${1}" -o "${2}" || \
unzip "${1}" -d "${2}" || return 1
x_ cd "${appdir}/"
much, much stricter, more verbose error handling lbmk is much more likely to crash now, in error conditions, which is a boon for further auditing. also: in "fetch", remove the downloaded program if fail() was called. this would also be done for gnulib, when downloading grub, but done in such a way that gnulib goes first. where calls to err write "ERROR" in the string, they no longer say "ERROR" because the "err" function itself now does that automatically. also: listmodes/listoptions (in "lbmk") now reports an error if no scripts and/or directories are found. also: where a warning is given, but not an error, i've gone through in some places and redirected the output to stderr, not stdout as part of error checks: running anything as root, except for the "./build dependencies *" commands, is no longer permitted and lbmk will throw an error mrc downloads: debugfs output no longer redirected to /dev/null, and stderr no longer redirected to stdout. everything is verbose. certain non-error states are also more verbose. for example, patch_rom in blobs/inject will now state when injection succeeds certain actual errors(bugs) were fixed: for example, build/release/roms now correctly prepares the blobs hash files for a given target, containing only the files and checksums in the list. Previously, a printf message was included. Now, with this new code: blobutil/inject rightly verifies hashes. doing all of this in one giant patch is cleaner than 100 patches changing each file. even this is yet part of a much larger audit going on in the Libreboot project. Signed-off-by: Leah Rowe <>
2023-08-24 19:19:41 +00:00
mv Rompaq/68*.BIN ec.bin || :
2023-04-22 01:04:37 +00:00
if [ ! -f ec.bin ]; then
unar -D ROM.CAB Rom.bin || unar -D Rom.CAB Rom.bin || \
unar -D 68*.CAB Rom.bin || err "can't extract Rom.bin"
x_ mv Rom.bin ec.bin
2023-04-22 01:04:37 +00:00
[ -f ec.bin ] || err "extract_kbc1126_ec ${board}: can't extract"
much, much stricter, more verbose error handling lbmk is much more likely to crash now, in error conditions, which is a boon for further auditing. also: in "fetch", remove the downloaded program if fail() was called. this would also be done for gnulib, when downloading grub, but done in such a way that gnulib goes first. where calls to err write "ERROR" in the string, they no longer say "ERROR" because the "err" function itself now does that automatically. also: listmodes/listoptions (in "lbmk") now reports an error if no scripts and/or directories are found. also: where a warning is given, but not an error, i've gone through in some places and redirected the output to stderr, not stdout as part of error checks: running anything as root, except for the "./build dependencies *" commands, is no longer permitted and lbmk will throw an error mrc downloads: debugfs output no longer redirected to /dev/null, and stderr no longer redirected to stdout. everything is verbose. certain non-error states are also more verbose. for example, patch_rom in blobs/inject will now state when injection succeeds certain actual errors(bugs) were fixed: for example, build/release/roms now correctly prepares the blobs hash files for a given target, containing only the files and checksums in the list. Previously, a printf message was included. Now, with this new code: blobutil/inject rightly verifies hashes. doing all of this in one giant patch is cleaner than 100 patches changing each file. even this is yet part of a much larger audit going on in the Libreboot project. Signed-off-by: Leah Rowe <>
2023-08-24 19:19:41 +00:00
"${kbc1126_ec_dump}" ec.bin || \
err "extract_kbc1126_ec ${board}: can't extract ecfw1/2.bin"
) || err "can't extract kbc1126 ec firmware"
much, much stricter, more verbose error handling lbmk is much more likely to crash now, in error conditions, which is a boon for further auditing. also: in "fetch", remove the downloaded program if fail() was called. this would also be done for gnulib, when downloading grub, but done in such a way that gnulib goes first. where calls to err write "ERROR" in the string, they no longer say "ERROR" because the "err" function itself now does that automatically. also: listmodes/listoptions (in "lbmk") now reports an error if no scripts and/or directories are found. also: where a warning is given, but not an error, i've gone through in some places and redirected the output to stderr, not stdout as part of error checks: running anything as root, except for the "./build dependencies *" commands, is no longer permitted and lbmk will throw an error mrc downloads: debugfs output no longer redirected to /dev/null, and stderr no longer redirected to stdout. everything is verbose. certain non-error states are also more verbose. for example, patch_rom in blobs/inject will now state when injection succeeds certain actual errors(bugs) were fixed: for example, build/release/roms now correctly prepares the blobs hash files for a given target, containing only the files and checksums in the list. Previously, a printf message was included. Now, with this new code: blobutil/inject rightly verifies hashes. doing all of this in one giant patch is cleaner than 100 patches changing each file. even this is yet part of a much larger audit going on in the Libreboot project. Signed-off-by: Leah Rowe <>
2023-08-24 19:19:41 +00:00
for i in 1 2; do
[ -f "${appdir}/ec.bin.fw${i}" ] || ec_ex="n"
much, much stricter, more verbose error handling lbmk is much more likely to crash now, in error conditions, which is a boon for further auditing. also: in "fetch", remove the downloaded program if fail() was called. this would also be done for gnulib, when downloading grub, but done in such a way that gnulib goes first. where calls to err write "ERROR" in the string, they no longer say "ERROR" because the "err" function itself now does that automatically. also: listmodes/listoptions (in "lbmk") now reports an error if no scripts and/or directories are found. also: where a warning is given, but not an error, i've gone through in some places and redirected the output to stderr, not stdout as part of error checks: running anything as root, except for the "./build dependencies *" commands, is no longer permitted and lbmk will throw an error mrc downloads: debugfs output no longer redirected to /dev/null, and stderr no longer redirected to stdout. everything is verbose. certain non-error states are also more verbose. for example, patch_rom in blobs/inject will now state when injection succeeds certain actual errors(bugs) were fixed: for example, build/release/roms now correctly prepares the blobs hash files for a given target, containing only the files and checksums in the list. Previously, a printf message was included. Now, with this new code: blobutil/inject rightly verifies hashes. doing all of this in one giant patch is cleaner than 100 patches changing each file. even this is yet part of a much larger audit going on in the Libreboot project. Signed-off-by: Leah Rowe <>
2023-08-24 19:19:41 +00:00
[ "${ec_ex}" = "y" ] || \
err "extract_kbc1126_ec ${board}: didn't extract ecfw1/2.bin"
cp "${appdir}/"ec.bin.fw* "${_dest%/*}/" || \
err "extract_kbc1126_ec ${board}: can't copy ec binaries"
[ -z "${E6400_VGA_offset}" ] && \
much, much stricter, more verbose error handling lbmk is much more likely to crash now, in error conditions, which is a boon for further auditing. also: in "fetch", remove the downloaded program if fail() was called. this would also be done for gnulib, when downloading grub, but done in such a way that gnulib goes first. where calls to err write "ERROR" in the string, they no longer say "ERROR" because the "err" function itself now does that automatically. also: listmodes/listoptions (in "lbmk") now reports an error if no scripts and/or directories are found. also: where a warning is given, but not an error, i've gone through in some places and redirected the output to stderr, not stdout as part of error checks: running anything as root, except for the "./build dependencies *" commands, is no longer permitted and lbmk will throw an error mrc downloads: debugfs output no longer redirected to /dev/null, and stderr no longer redirected to stdout. everything is verbose. certain non-error states are also more verbose. for example, patch_rom in blobs/inject will now state when injection succeeds certain actual errors(bugs) were fixed: for example, build/release/roms now correctly prepares the blobs hash files for a given target, containing only the files and checksums in the list. Previously, a printf message was included. Now, with this new code: blobutil/inject rightly verifies hashes. doing all of this in one giant patch is cleaner than 100 patches changing each file. even this is yet part of a much larger audit going on in the Libreboot project. Signed-off-by: Leah Rowe <>
2023-08-24 19:19:41 +00:00
err "extract_e6400vga: E6400 VGA offset not defined"
[ -z "${E6400_VGA_romname}" ] && \
much, much stricter, more verbose error handling lbmk is much more likely to crash now, in error conditions, which is a boon for further auditing. also: in "fetch", remove the downloaded program if fail() was called. this would also be done for gnulib, when downloading grub, but done in such a way that gnulib goes first. where calls to err write "ERROR" in the string, they no longer say "ERROR" because the "err" function itself now does that automatically. also: listmodes/listoptions (in "lbmk") now reports an error if no scripts and/or directories are found. also: where a warning is given, but not an error, i've gone through in some places and redirected the output to stderr, not stdout as part of error checks: running anything as root, except for the "./build dependencies *" commands, is no longer permitted and lbmk will throw an error mrc downloads: debugfs output no longer redirected to /dev/null, and stderr no longer redirected to stdout. everything is verbose. certain non-error states are also more verbose. for example, patch_rom in blobs/inject will now state when injection succeeds certain actual errors(bugs) were fixed: for example, build/release/roms now correctly prepares the blobs hash files for a given target, containing only the files and checksums in the list. Previously, a printf message was included. Now, with this new code: blobutil/inject rightly verifies hashes. doing all of this in one giant patch is cleaner than 100 patches changing each file. even this is yet part of a much larger audit going on in the Libreboot project. Signed-off-by: Leah Rowe <>
2023-08-24 19:19:41 +00:00
err "extract_e6400vga: E6400 VGA ROM name not defined"
tail -c +${E6400_VGA_offset} "${_dl}" | \
gunzip >"${appdir}/bios.bin" || :
x_ cd "${appdir}"
[ -f "bios.bin" ] || err "extract_e6400vga: can't extract bios.bin"
"${e6400_unpack}" bios.bin || printf "TODO: fix dell extract util\n"
[ -f "${E6400_VGA_romname}" ] || \
much, much stricter, more verbose error handling lbmk is much more likely to crash now, in error conditions, which is a boon for further auditing. also: in "fetch", remove the downloaded program if fail() was called. this would also be done for gnulib, when downloading grub, but done in such a way that gnulib goes first. where calls to err write "ERROR" in the string, they no longer say "ERROR" because the "err" function itself now does that automatically. also: listmodes/listoptions (in "lbmk") now reports an error if no scripts and/or directories are found. also: where a warning is given, but not an error, i've gone through in some places and redirected the output to stderr, not stdout as part of error checks: running anything as root, except for the "./build dependencies *" commands, is no longer permitted and lbmk will throw an error mrc downloads: debugfs output no longer redirected to /dev/null, and stderr no longer redirected to stdout. everything is verbose. certain non-error states are also more verbose. for example, patch_rom in blobs/inject will now state when injection succeeds certain actual errors(bugs) were fixed: for example, build/release/roms now correctly prepares the blobs hash files for a given target, containing only the files and checksums in the list. Previously, a printf message was included. Now, with this new code: blobutil/inject rightly verifies hashes. doing all of this in one giant patch is cleaner than 100 patches changing each file. even this is yet part of a much larger audit going on in the Libreboot project. Signed-off-by: Leah Rowe <>
2023-08-24 19:19:41 +00:00
err "extract_e6400vga: can't extract vga rom from bios.bin"
) || err "can't extract e6400 vga rom"
cp "${appdir}/${E6400_VGA_romname}" "${_dest}" || \
err "extract_e6400vga ${board}: can't copy vga rom to ${_dest}"
# full system ROM (UEFI), to extract with UEFIExtract:
_bios="${_bios}/1 ${dlsum} -- 1 System BIOS vA.28.bin"
# this is the SCH5545 firmware, inside of the extracted UEFI ROM:
_sch5545ec_fw="${_bios}.dump/4 7A9354D9-0468-444A-81CE-0BF617D890DF"
_sch5545ec_fw="${_sch5545ec_fw}/54 D386BEB8-4B54-4E69-94F5-06091F67E0D3"
_sch5545ec_fw="${_sch5545ec_fw}/0 Raw section/body.bin" # <-- this!
# this makes the file defined by _sch5545ec_fw available to copy
much, much stricter, more verbose error handling lbmk is much more likely to crash now, in error conditions, which is a boon for further auditing. also: in "fetch", remove the downloaded program if fail() was called. this would also be done for gnulib, when downloading grub, but done in such a way that gnulib goes first. where calls to err write "ERROR" in the string, they no longer say "ERROR" because the "err" function itself now does that automatically. also: listmodes/listoptions (in "lbmk") now reports an error if no scripts and/or directories are found. also: where a warning is given, but not an error, i've gone through in some places and redirected the output to stderr, not stdout as part of error checks: running anything as root, except for the "./build dependencies *" commands, is no longer permitted and lbmk will throw an error mrc downloads: debugfs output no longer redirected to /dev/null, and stderr no longer redirected to stdout. everything is verbose. certain non-error states are also more verbose. for example, patch_rom in blobs/inject will now state when injection succeeds certain actual errors(bugs) were fixed: for example, build/release/roms now correctly prepares the blobs hash files for a given target, containing only the files and checksums in the list. Previously, a printf message was included. Now, with this new code: blobutil/inject rightly verifies hashes. doing all of this in one giant patch is cleaner than 100 patches changing each file. even this is yet part of a much larger audit going on in the Libreboot project. Signed-off-by: Leah Rowe <>
2023-08-24 19:19:41 +00:00
"${uefiextract}" "${_bios}" || \
err "extract_sch5545ec: cannot extract from uefi image"
cp "${_sch5545ec_fw}" "${_dest}" || \
much, much stricter, more verbose error handling lbmk is much more likely to crash now, in error conditions, which is a boon for further auditing. also: in "fetch", remove the downloaded program if fail() was called. this would also be done for gnulib, when downloading grub, but done in such a way that gnulib goes first. where calls to err write "ERROR" in the string, they no longer say "ERROR" because the "err" function itself now does that automatically. also: listmodes/listoptions (in "lbmk") now reports an error if no scripts and/or directories are found. also: where a warning is given, but not an error, i've gone through in some places and redirected the output to stderr, not stdout as part of error checks: running anything as root, except for the "./build dependencies *" commands, is no longer permitted and lbmk will throw an error mrc downloads: debugfs output no longer redirected to /dev/null, and stderr no longer redirected to stdout. everything is verbose. certain non-error states are also more verbose. for example, patch_rom in blobs/inject will now state when injection succeeds certain actual errors(bugs) were fixed: for example, build/release/roms now correctly prepares the blobs hash files for a given target, containing only the files and checksums in the list. Previously, a printf message was included. Now, with this new code: blobutil/inject rightly verifies hashes. doing all of this in one giant patch is cleaner than 100 patches changing each file. even this is yet part of a much larger audit going on in the Libreboot project. Signed-off-by: Leah Rowe <>
2023-08-24 19:19:41 +00:00
err "extract_sch5545ec: cannot copy sch5545ec firmware file"
main $@