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# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
# Copyright (c) 2022 Caleb La Grange <>
# Copyright (c) 2022 Ferass El Hafidi <>
# Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Leah Rowe <>
export LC_ALL=C
_ua="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0"
make GRUB multi-tree and re-add xhci patches Re-add xHCI only on haswell and broadwell machines, where they are needed. Otherwise, keep the same GRUB code. The xHCI patches were removed because they caused issues on Sandybridge-based Dell Latitude laptops. See: The issue was not reported elsewhere, including on the Haswell/Broadwell hardware where they are needed, but the build system could only build one version of GRUB. The older machines do not need xHCI patches, because they either do not have xHCI patches, or work (in GRUB) because they're in EHCI mode when running the payload. So, the problem is that we need the xHCI patches for GRUB on Haswell/Broadwell hardware, but the patches break Sandybridge hardware, and we only had the one build of GRUB. To mitigate this problem, the build system now supports building multiple revisions of GRUB, with different patches, and each given coreboot target can say which GRUB tree to use by setting this in target.cfg: grubtree="xhci" In the above example, the "xhci" tree would be used. Some generic GRUB config has been moved to config/data/grub/ and config/grub/ now looks like config/coreboot/ - also, the grub.cfg file (named "payload" in each tree) is copied to the GRUB source tree as ".config", then added to GRUB's memdisk in the same way, as grub.cfg. Several other design changes had to be made because of this: * grub.cfg in memdisk no longer automatically jumps to one in CBFS, but now shows a menuentry for it if available * Certain commands in script/trees are disabled for GRUB, such as *config make commands. * gnulib is now defined in config/submodule/grub/, instead of config/git/grub - and this mitigates an existing bug where downloading gnulib first would make grub no longer possible to download in lbmk. The coreboot option CONFIG_FINALIZE_USB_ROUTE_XHCI has been re-enabled on: Dell OptiPlex 9020 MT, Dell OptiPlex 9020 SFF, Lenovo ThinkPad T440p and Lenovo ThinkPad W541 - now USB should work again in GRUB. The GRUB payload has been re-enabled on HP EliteBook 820 G2. This change will enable per-board GRUB optimisation in the future. For example, we hardcode what partitions and LVMs GRUB scans because * is slow on ICH7-based machines, due to GRUB's design. On other machines, * is reasonably fast, for automatically enumerating the list of devices for boot. Use of * (and other wildcards) could enable our GRUB payload to automatically boot more distros, with minimal fuss. This can be done at a later date, in subsequent revisions. Signed-off-by: Leah Rowe <>
2024-06-01 22:01:30 +00:00
printf "ERROR %s: %s\n" "$0" "$1" 1>&2; exit 1
_setvars="" && [ $# -lt 2 ] && $err "setvars: too few arguments"
val="$1" && shift 1 && for var in $@; do
_setvars="$var=\"$val\"; $_setvars"
done; printf "%s\n" "${_setvars% }"
for var in $@; do
eval "[ -n "\${$var+x}" ] || \$err \"$var unset\""
eval "[ -n "\$$var" ] || \$err \"$var unset\""
done; return 0
eval `setvars "" _nogit board xbmk_parent versiondate projectsite projectname \
aur_notice configdir datadir version relname`
for fv in projectname projectsite version versiondate; do
eval "[ ! -f "$fv" ] || read -r $fv < \"$fv\" || :"
done; chkvars projectname projectsite
[ $# -gt 1 ] && printf "e \"%s\" f missing && return %s;\n" "$1" "$2"
[ $# -gt 1 ] || \
printf "e \"%s\" f not && %s \"Missing config\";\n" "$1" "$err"
printf ". \"%s\" || %s \"Could not read config\";\n" "$1" "$err"
es_t="e" && [ $# -gt 1 ] && es_t="$2"
es2="already exists"
estr="[ -$es_t \"\$1\" ] || return 1"
[ $# -gt 2 ] && estr="[ -$es_t \"\$1\" ] && return 1" && es2="missing"
eval "$estr"; printf "%s %s\n" "$1" "$es2" 1>&2
[ $# -lt 2 ] && $err "fewer than two arguments"
eval `setcfg "config/dependencies/$2"`
$pkg_add $pkglist || $err "Cannot install packages"
[ -n "$aur_notice" ] && \
printf "You need AUR packages: %s\n" "$aur_notice" 1>&2; return 0
[ $# -gt 0 ] && [ "$1" = "dependencies" ] && install_packages $@ && exit 0
id -u 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null || $err "suid check failed (id -u)"
[ "$(id -u)" != "0" ] || $err "this command as root is not permitted"
[ -z "${TMPDIR+x}" ] || [ "${TMPDIR%_*}" = "/tmp/xbmk" ] || unset TMPDIR
[ -n "${TMPDIR+x}" ] && export TMPDIR="$TMPDIR"
if [ -z "${TMPDIR+x}" ]; then
[ -f "lock" ] && $err "$PWD/lock exists. Is a build running?"
export TMPDIR="/tmp"
export TMPDIR="$(mktemp -d -t xbmk_XXXXXXXX)"
touch lock || $err "cannot create 'lock' file"
# XBMK_CACHE is a directory, for caching downloads and git repositories
[ -z "${XBMK_CACHE+x}" ] && export XBMK_CACHE="$PWD/cache"
[ -z "$XBMK_CACHE" ] && export XBMK_CACHE="$PWD/cache"
[ -L "$XBMK_CACHE" ] && [ "$XBMK_CACHE" = "$PWD/cache" ] && \
$err "cachedir is default, $PWD/cache, but it exists and is a symlink"
[ -L "$XBMK_CACHE" ] && export XBMK_CACHE="$PWD/cache"
[ -f "$XBMK_CACHE" ] && $err "cachedir '$XBMK_CACHE' exists but it's a file"
# if "y": a coreboot target won't be built if target.cfg says release="n"
# (this is used to exclude certain build targets from releases)
[ -z "${XBMK_RELEASE+x}" ] && export XBMK_RELEASE="n"
[ "$XBMK_RELEASE" = "y" ] || export XBMK_RELEASE="n"
[ -z "${XBMK_THREADS+x}" ] && export XBMK_THREADS=1
expr "X$XBMK_THREADS" : "X-\{0,1\}[0123456789][0123456789]*$" \
1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null || export XBMK_THREADS=1 # user gave a non-integer
x_() {
[ $# -lt 1 ] || $@ || \
$err "Unhandled non-zero exit: $(echo "$@")"; return 0
[ -e ".git" ] || [ -f "version" ] || printf "unknown\n" > version || \
$err "Cannot generate unknown version file"
[ -e ".git" ] || [ -f "versiondate" ] || printf "1716415872\n" > versiondate \
|| $err "Cannot generate unknown versiondate file"
[ ! -e ".git" ] || version="$(git describe --tags HEAD 2>&1)" || \
version="git-$(git rev-parse HEAD 2>&1)" || version="$version_"
[ ! -e ".git" ] || versiondate="$(git show --no-patch --no-notes \
--pretty='%ct' HEAD)" || versiondate="$versiondate_"
for p in projectname version versiondate projectsite; do
chkvars "$p"; eval "x_ printf \"%s\\n\" \"\$$p\" > $p"
export LOCALVERSION="-$projectname-${version%%-*}"
[ -d "$1" ] || $err "Target '$1' not defined."
for x in "$1"/config/*; do
[ -f "$x" ] && printf "%s\n" "$x" && return 1
done; return 0
rm -Rf "$1" || $err "remkdir: !rm -Rf \"$1\""
mkdir -p "$1" || $err "remkdir: !mkdir -p \"$1\""
printf "%s\n" "$version" > "$1/version" || $err "$1 !version"
printf "%s\n" "$versiondate" > "$1/versiondate" || $err "$1 !vdate"
printf "%s\n" "$projectname" > "$1/projectname" || $err "$1 !pname"
mktarball "$1" "${1%/*}/${relname}_${1##*/}.tar.xz"; x_ rm -Rf "$1"; :
[ "${2%/*}" = "$2" ] || \
mkdir -p "${2%/*}" || $err "mk, !mkdir -p \"${2%/*}\""
printf "\nCreating archive: %s\n\n" "$2"
tar -c "$1" | xz -T$XBMK_THREADS -9e > "$2" || $err "mktarball 2, $1"
mksha512sum "$2" "${2##*/}.sha512"
[ "${1%/*}" != "$1" ] && x_ cd "${1%/*}"
sha512sum ./"${1##*/}" >> "$2" || $err "!sha512sum \"$1\" > \"$2\""
) || $err "failed to create tarball checksum"
cd "$1" || $err "!cd gitrepo $1"
find . -name ".git" -exec rm -Rf {} + || $err "!rm .git $1"
find . -name ".gitmodules" -exec rm -Rf {} + || $err "!rm .gitmod $1"
) || $err "Cannot remove .git/.gitmodules in $1"
# return 0 if project is single-tree, otherwise 1
# e.g. coreboot is multi-tree, so 1
for targetfile in "config/${1}/"*/target.cfg; do
[ -e "$targetfile" ] && [ -f "$targetfile" ] && return 1; :
done; return 0
dl_fail="n" # 1 url, 2 url backup, 3 destination, 4 checksum
vendor_checksum "$4" "$cached" 2>/dev/null && dl_fail="y"
[ "$dl_fail" = "n" ] && e "$3" f && return 0
mkdir -p "${3%/*}" "$XBMK_CACHE/file" || \
$err "!mkdir '$3' '$XBMK_CACHE/file'"
for url in "$1" "$2"; do
[ "$dl_fail" = "n" ] && break
[ -z "$url" ] && continue
rm -f "$cached" || $err "!rm -f '$cached'"
curl --location --retry 3 -A "$_ua" "$url" -o "$cached" || \
wget --tries 3 -U "$_ua" "$url" -O "$cached" || continue
vendor_checksum "$4" "$cached" || dl_fail="n"
done; [ "$dl_fail" = "y" ] && $err "$1 $2 $3 $4: not downloaded"
[ "$cached" = "$3" ] || cp "$cached" "$3" || $err "!d cp $cached $3"; :
[ "$(sha512sum "$2" | awk '{print $1}')" != "$1" ] || return 1
printf "Bad checksum for file: %s\n" "$2" 1>&2; rm -f "$2" || :; :
fRom="$1" # image to operate on
fAdd="$2" # file to add
fName="$3" # filename when added in CBFS
ccmd="add-payload" && [ $# -gt 3 ] && [ $# -lt 5 ] && ccmd="add"
lzma="-c lzma" && [ $# -gt 3 ] && [ $# -lt 5 ] && lzma="-t $4"
# hack. TODO: do it better. this whole function is cursed
if [ $# -gt 4 ]; then
# add flat binary for U-Boot (u-boot.bin) on x86
if [ "$5" = "0x1110000" ]; then
lzma="-c lzma -l 0x1110000 -e 0x1110000"
"$cbfstool" "$fRom" $ccmd -f "$fAdd" -n "$fName" $lzma || \
$err "CBFS fail: $fRom $ccmd -f '$fAdd' -n '$fName' $lzma"; :
mk_flag="$1" || $err "No argument given"
shift 1 && for mk_arg in $@; do
./mk $mk_flag $mk_arg || $err "./mk $mk_flag $mk_arg"; :
done; :