include/ fix i945 bootblock copy

it wasn't being copied right

the roms under elf/ were being copied, but not the ones
under bin/ - i need to audit it further

for now, i run modify_coreboot_roms from build/roms
instead of update/trees

so, the ones under elf/ no longer have bootblocks copied.
it's only done in bin/

Signed-off-by: Leah Rowe <>
Leah Rowe 2023-10-25 11:40:02 +01:00
parent df031d422a
commit 5f6ba01d41
3 changed files with 28 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -70,31 +70,3 @@ handle_coreboot_utils()
[ -z "${mode}" ] || x_ rm -Rf "cbutils/${1}"
[ -f "${rompath}" ] || \
err "modify_coreboot_rom: does not exist: ${rompath}"
tmprom="$(mktemp -t rom.XXXXXXXXXX)"
x_ rm -f "${tmprom}"
if [ "${romtype}" = "d8d16sas" ]; then
# pike2008 roms hang seabios. an empty rom will override
# the built-in one, thus disabling all execution of it
x_ touch "${tmprom}"
for deviceID in "0072" "3050"; do
x_ "${cbfstool}" "${rompath}" add -f "${tmprom}" \
-n "pci1000,${deviceID}.rom" -t raw
elif [ "${romtype}" = "i945 laptop" ]; then
# for bucts-based installation method from factory bios
dd if="${rompath}" of="${tmprom}" bs=1 \
skip=$(($(stat -c %s "${rompath}") - 0x10000)) \
count=64k || err "modrom 1, dd, ${rompath}"
dd if="${tmprom}" of="${rompath}" bs=1 \
seek=$(($(stat -c %s "${rompath}") - 0x20000)) \
count=64k conv=notrunc || err "modrom 2, dd, ${rompath}"
x_ rm -f "${tmprom}"

View File

@ -388,9 +388,37 @@ moverom() {
[ -d "${newrom%/*}" ] || x_ mkdir -p "${newrom%/*}/"
[ "${vendorfiles}" = "n" ] && newrom="${newrom%.rom}_noblobs.rom"
x_ modify_coreboot_rom
x_ cp "${rompath}" "${newrom}"
tmpmvrom="$(mktemp -t rom.XXXXXXXXXX)"
x_ rm -f "${tmpmvrom}"
if [ "${romtype}" = "d8d16sas" ]; then
# pike2008 roms hang seabios. an empty rom will override
# the built-in one, thus disabling all execution of it
x_ touch "${tmpmvrom}"
for deviceID in "0072" "3050"; do
x_ "${cbfstool}" "${rompath}" add -f "${tmpmvrom}" \
-n "pci1000,${deviceID}.rom" -t raw
elif [ "${romtype}" = "i945 laptop" ]; then
# for bucts-based installation method from factory bios
dd if="${rompath}" of="${tmpmvrom}" bs=1 \
skip=$(($(stat -c %s "${rompath}") - 0x10000)) \
count=64k || err "modrom 1, copy bootblock"
dd if="${tmpmvrom}" of="${rompath}" bs=1 \
seek=$(($(stat -c %s "${rompath}") - 0x20000)) count=64k \
conv=notrunc || err "modrom 2, insert new bootblock"
x_ rm -f "${tmpmvrom}"
x_ rm -f "${tmpmvrom}"
cat <<- EOF

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@ -263,7 +263,6 @@ run_make_command()
[ "${project}" != "coreboot" ] || x_ modify_coreboot_rom
while read f; do
[ ! -f "${codedir}/$f" ] || \
x_ cp "${codedir}/${f}" "${dest_dir}/"