clean up pico-serprog for release

moved cmake files into a separate build directory.
this can just be deleted for the source release.

might as well use cmake for the actual build too.
that makes repeated builds faster for some reason.

Signed-off-by: Riku Viitanen <>
Riku Viitanen 2023-09-11 01:01:27 +03:00
parent 34d3629ebf
commit 7dc8632514
2 changed files with 8 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -169,6 +169,8 @@ purge_files()
err "purge_files rm-rf2: can't purge .git files/directories"
rm -Rf cbutils || err "purge_files: can't remove ${srcdir}/cbutils/"
rm -Rf elf || err "purge_files: can't remove ${srcdir}/elf/"
rm -Rf util-fw/rp2040/pico-serprog/build
|| err "purge_files: can't remove pico-serprog/build"

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@ -51,14 +51,14 @@ main()
(cd ${src_dir}; cmake -DPICO_BOARD="${board}" \
-DPICO_SDK_PATH="${sdk_dir}" "${src_dir}" || \
err "can't cmake ${src_dir}")
make -C ${src_dir} clean
make -C ${src_dir}
mv ${src_dir}/pico_serprog.uf2 \
cmake -DPICO_BOARD="${board}" -DPICO_SDK_PATH="${sdk_dir}" \
-B "${src_dir}/build" "${src_dir}" \
|| err "can't cmake ${src_dir}"
cmake --build "${src_dir}/build"
mv ${src_dir}/build/pico_serprog.uf2 \
${serprog_release_dir}/serprog_${board}.uf2 \
|| err "${board} serprog build failed!"
printf "output to ${serprog_release_dir}/serprog_${board}.uf2\n"
main $@