update/release: don't insert crossgcc tarballs

why are we distributing gcc at all?

the coreboot build system downloads it at build time,
and the GNU rsync mirrors aren't going anywhere.

simplify script/update/release by not handling gcc.
this means: release archives will no longer contain gcc.

Signed-off-by: Leah Rowe <leah@libreboot.org>
Leah Rowe 2023-12-23 04:29:50 +00:00
parent b0e5fc9d9c
commit e8eb52f8d7
1 changed files with 3 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -49,48 +49,17 @@ build_release()
cd "${srcdir}" || err "${_xm}: !cd \"${srcdir}\""
x_ mv src/docs docs
) || err "can't copy docs"
) || err "can't create release files"
cd "${srcdir%/*}" || err "${_xm}: mktarball \"${srcdir}\""
mktarball "${srcdir##*/}" "${srcdir##*/}.tar.xz" || err "${_xm}: mksrc"
) || err "can't create pre-crossgcc src tarball"
[ "${mode}" = "src" ] && return 0 # for src mode, xgcc tarballs are
# not included in the src archive
# now build roms, then copy crossgcc to src and re-compress
# while compressing rom images too.
) || err "can't create src tarball"
[ "${mode}" = "src" ] && return 0
cd "${srcdir}" || err "${_xm}: 2 !cd \"${srcdir}\""
) || err "can't build rom images"
for _cbd in "${srcdir}/src/coreboot/"*; do
[ -d "${_cbd}/util/crossgcc/tarballs" ] || continue
mkdir -p "${_xgccdir}" || \
err "build_release: !mkdir -p ${_xgccdir}"
cp -R "${_cbd}/util/crossgcc/tarballs/"* "${_xgccdir}" || \
err "build_gcc: !copy xgcc ${_cbd}"
rm -Rf "${srcdir}" || err "build_release: !rm -Rf ${srcdir}"
cd "${srcdir%/*}" || err "${_xm} 2: mktarball \"${srcdir}\""
tar -xf "${srcdir##*/}.tar.xz" || err "!extract ${srcdir##*/}.tar.xz"
rm -f "${srcdir##*/}.tar.xz" || err "!rm -f ${srcdir##*/}.tar.xz"
) || err "can't extract pre-crossgcc src tarball"
for _xgcc in "${vdir}/crossgcc/"*; do
[ -d "${_xgcc}" ] || continue
mkdir -p "${srcdir}/src/coreboot/${_xgcc##*/}/util/crossgcc/tarballs" || \
err "!mkdir src/coreboot/${_xgcc##*/}/util/crossgcc/tarballs"
mv "${_xgcc}/"* \
"${srcdir}/src/coreboot/${_xgcc##*/}/util/crossgcc/tarballs/" \
|| err "!move xgcc tarballs to ${srcdir}/xgcc/${_xgcc##*/}"
rm -Rf "${vdir}/crossgcc" || err "!rm -Rf \"${vdir}/crossgcc\""
cd "${srcdir%/*}" || err "${_xm}: mktarball \"${srcdir}\""
mktarball "${srcdir##*/}" "${srcdir##*/}.tar.xz" || err "${_xm}: mksrc"
) || err "can't create src tarball with crossgcc"
# now test the vendor insert script, using the release archive: