libre mrc on haswell is quite buggy for now, but works in
a limited fashion
this patch re-adds the old configs, but as _mrc for example
t440p_12mb_mrc instead of t440p_12mb
and t440p_12mb (without _mrc) still uses the libre mrc code
courtesy of Angel Pons from the coreboot project
this uses the following patch set from gerrit, as yet
unmerged (in coreboot master) on this date:
logic for downloading mrc blobs has been deleted from
lbmk, as this is now completely obsolete (for haswell
if other platforms are added later that need mrc.bin,
then logic will be re-added again for that
some checks check for specific utils, which are
then used to indicate the existence of other utils,
which means that building them singularly, as is
currently done, may result in errors later if another
tool doesn't exist compiled yet
this is an obscure bug, fixed by this patch. more of a
workaround really. a dirty hack. when checking for any
of the coreboot utilities required, build all coreboot
utilities that are possibly required
the utilities are small enough that this does not add
much extra time to build, and in most cases, all of them
will be needed anyway
By making lbmk fully POSIX-compliant, it will be easier to port lbmk to
other systems implementing POSIX such as Alpine Linux and FreeBSD.
Signed-off-by: Ferass 'Vitali64' EL HAFIDI <>
this is forked from the "libre" branch in osboot, which is itself a libre,
deblobbed fork of osboot, a blobbed up fork of libreboot
libreboot needed to be purged clean. this is the new libreboot development
repository. the old one has been abandoned