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# Docker
| Distribution | Package |
| ------------ | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| Arch Linux | `docker docker-compose` |
| Ubuntu | [See](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/) |
Enable and start service:
systemctl enable --now docker.service
Add your user to `docker` group:
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
## Commands
Remove unused data:
docker system prune --volumes
docker system prune --volumes -a
Inside container:
docker exec -it container_name /bin/bash
Docker run options:
| option | example | explain |
| --------------------- | ------------------------ | --------------------------------------- |
| `--detach`, `-d` | | Run container in background |
| `--env`, `-e` | `-e PLATFORM=linux` | Set environment variables |
| `--interactive`, `-i` | | Keep STDIN open |
| `--name` | | |
| `--publish`, `-p` | `-p 8080:80` | Publish container port:host port |
| `--rm` | | Remove container when exit |
| `--tty`, `-t` | | Allocate a pseudo-TTY |
| `--volume`, `-v` | `-v "$(pwd)"/data:/data` | Bind host directory:container directory |
## Docker Compose
Update images:
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up
# Detach
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose down