
73 lines
908 B

# Git
## Config
git config --global alias.br branch
git config --global alias.ci commit
git config --global alias.co checkout
git config --global alias.df diff
git config --global alias.st status
git config --global alias.logo 'log --pretty=oneline'
Save usernames and passwords in `~/.git-credentials`:
git config --global credential.helper store
Use neovim when commit:
git config --global core.editor nvim
## Commands
Prefer rebase when pull:
git pull --rebase
Clean outdated branches:
git fetch --prune
Push force **safely**:
git push --force-with-lease
Rewrite history by changing last `x` commits :
git rebase -i HEAD~x
Squash last `x` commits to 1 commit:
git reset HEAD~x
git add -A
git commit
Cleanup unnecessary files:
git gc
Find common ancestor:
git merge-base A B