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Install Archlinux

Install Archlinux is thing I always want to do for my laptop/PC since I had my laptop in ninth grade.

This is not a guide for everyone, this is just save for myself in a future and for anyone who want to taste a bit.

Assume your laptop/PC is UEFI-capable.

First thing as breathe air is to read Installation guide. Read through the guide slowly and carefully.

After that, get an USB and follow USB flash installation media.

When booting Archlinux ISO, follow Installation guide, step by step.

In step Connect to the internet. Enable wifi with wifi-menu.

In step Partition the disks. Use cfdisk. Mount point /mnt/efi (Use with GRUB) or /mnt/boot (Use with systemd-boot) with 512 MiB. Skip swap because use swap file later.

In step Boot loader. Use GRUB: UEFI systems or systemd-boot.

After finish Installation guide, don't rush to restart, read General recommendations to continue.

Always remember to check dependencies when install packages.

In step System administration. Read Users and groups:

  • Add user with Zsh shell.
  • Set password.
  • Enable Sudo access.

In step Graphical user interface. Display server - install Xorg. Desktop environments - install GNOME. Display manager - install GDM.

In step Networking. Network configuration - install NetworkManager. Clock synchronization - install systemd-timesyncd. In step Optimization. Read Solid state drive.

In step Appearance. Read Fonts.

Use swap file - install systemd-swap.

Improving performance is small step inside Optimization, but it's big to me.

Read Watchdogs. Read Staggered spin-up. Read Silent boot.

Final step is to read List of applications. Only read section you need.

This is the end. Future update is coming if I feel something need to be changed or I get boring and change my taste :)