• Joined on 2022-11-11

fox merged pull request treehouse/emoji#5

rename pride flags followup

2022-12-09 06:41:25 +00:00

fox created pull request treehouse/emoji#5

rename pride flags followup

2022-12-09 06:40:45 +00:00

fox pushed to rename at treehouse/emoji

  • cfe2c7ded8 shorten some names and switch progress flags

2022-12-09 06:35:38 +00:00

fox created branch rename in treehouse/emoji

2022-12-09 06:35:38 +00:00

fox created pull request treehouse/emoji#4

rename pride flags

2022-12-09 06:14:35 +00:00

fox pushed to rename at treehouse/emoji

  • fa23489ae8 rename files and shortcodes in README

2022-12-09 06:09:54 +00:00

fox created branch rename in treehouse/emoji

2022-12-09 06:03:56 +00:00

fox pushed to rename at treehouse/emoji

  • b4350cd2a7 rename pride flags so they group together alphabetically

2022-12-09 06:03:56 +00:00

fox commented on pull request treehouse/mastodon#29

fix missing link style in admin.scss - actually this time

LGTM I wasn't sure where `.strike-card` is used, but the changes look very reasonable and glitch is advocating an upstream PR.

2022-12-09 03:42:47 +00:00

fox commented on pull request treehouse/mastodon#27

[WIP] treehouse-vagrant

I switched to the `kouhai/22-11-24-misc` branch, and all SQL commands pass! Now there is a redis error afterwards (: but the initial Vagrant file and SETUP.md instructions work.

2022-12-07 16:14:43 +00:00

fox commented on issue treehouse/mastodon#18

'Create Account' button text overflows in mobile web interface

https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/pull/21783 resolved upstream

2022-12-07 07:09:40 +00:00

fox commented on issue treehouse/mastodon#18

'Create Account' button text overflows in mobile web interface

PR filed upstream

2022-12-03 20:16:05 +00:00

fox closed issue treehouse/mastodon#26

Signup form does not display character restrictions for usernames

2022-12-03 20:14:21 +00:00

fox commented on issue treehouse/mastodon#26

Signup form does not display character restrictions for usernames

issue and PR filed upstream

2022-12-03 20:14:20 +00:00

fox commented on issue treehouse/mastodon#15

Inline translation on toots

https://github.com/glitch-soc/mastodon/issues/1865 o.o

2022-12-03 05:27:19 +00:00

fox commented on pull request treehouse/mastodon#27

[WIP] treehouse-vagrant

Running setup on a fresh Arch vm results in: ``` default: UserRole Load (0.6ms) SELECT "user_roles".* FROM "user_roles" WHERE "user_roles"."name" = $1 LIMIT $2 [["name", "Owner"],…

2022-12-03 05:12:14 +00:00

fox created pull request treehouse/mastodon#27

[WIP] treehouse-vagrant

2022-12-03 05:12:07 +00:00

fox created branch treehouse-vagrant in treehouse/mastodon

2022-12-03 04:48:16 +00:00

fox pushed to treehouse-vagrant at treehouse/mastodon

2022-12-03 04:48:16 +00:00

fox pushed to main at treehouse/emoji

2022-12-01 09:23:29 +00:00